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4th edition “Green Talks” in Senegal

Veröffentlicht am 25.05.2015 - Ansicht die Kommentare


4th edition: Wednesday 27 May 5:30pm to 6:30pm GMT

Please note: This is the last talk before Ramadan and summer holiday season.


Dakar, Senegal at the Institut des Métiers de l’Environnement et de la Métrologie - IMEM, Mermoz Extension Lot N°26 (VDN près de l’Imprimerie GRAPHIPLUS), Tel : 33 825 29 25 / 77269 30 60

This month’s topic:

Senegal and waste:  everywhere you go!

As urbanization continues to expand in Senegal, so does the production of disposable waste. Nearly 80% of household wastes, generated by the 3 million people living in the capital city of Dakar, are discharged directly into the Atlantic Ocean without prior treatment (destroying our marine resources) or on unauthorized dumpsites creating public health issues.

Senegal’s unauthorized waste dumpsites can be found everywhere. Taken just one week ago in a luxury district of Dakar, the capital city, the photo below illustrates how a former construction site is now used as an unauthorized dumpsite for the waste from this luxury neighbourhood. And the new dumpsite continues to grow and increasingly gain ground, polluting surrounding waters, soils and the environment. It is not only an eyesore for local residents but also a source of serious health problems to Dakar inhabitants.

Does ANYBODY care about these unauthorized dumpsites in Dakar and Senegal? Despite being both cause and victims of the environmental problems, where is government and/or local populations? Is it so difficult in Senegal to organize an efficient and sustainable waste collection and treatment?

Ecofund and the Institute of Environmental Jobs and Metrology (IMEM), led by scientist and expert Adams Tidjani, founder of IMEM and Professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (UCAD), take this issue on, debating with representatives from Senegalese waste industry, government, and civil society.


The objective of these debates is to present as many diverse views as possible, in order to produce real-time solutions that can ensure the buy-in of private sector, local populations and public authorities.
