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Project update on Plant your tree in Tizi n'Oucheg!

Posted 07.05.2020 by Team Ecofund - View comments

In these times of a general quarantine to protect ourselves from the Corona virus, our thoughts are with you: we hope you are in a very good health!

This unprecedented situation may remind us that our happiness depends only on few things like going for a walk and contemplating the beauty of our nature… We suddenly realize how central nature is for our wellbeing. However, its evolution depends highly on our behaviour.

Therefore, we seize the opportunity to give you news about the “Plant your tree in Tizi n’Oucheg” project.

In December 2018, we launched a fundraising campaign for this project in Morocco.

Since then, and thanks to your donations, the villagers of Tizi n’Oucheg were able to buy and plant a total of 1,785 trees financed by Ecofund, of which 825 cherry, 30 walnut, 835 almond and 95 carob trees!

The trees were delivered from the Marrakech region to the village, where each of the 110 families came to collect their trees with a mule to bring them to the plots.

The last delivery took place on Saturday January 25th 2020. Despite the cold weather everyone got organized: distribution, transport and planting, to plant everything within 48 hours.

Each family received 4 types of trees (walnut, cherry, carob and almond), which they planted on their plots surrounding the village. The plantations took place between February 2019 and January 2020.

After a very cold period of January 2020, the Atlas mountain region experienced six weeks of bright sun until mid-March. The trees started to sprout and the mountains to color. This early spring was followed by two weeks of the long-awaited rain.

Project target achieved … and doubled!

Since the start of the project two years ago, the Tizi n'Oucheg Development Association (ATND) has received and planted nearly 10,000 trees and so more than doubled the initial target of planting 4.400 trees! This was possible thanks to the common contribution from associations like “Reforestation”, “AAA”, and “Al Baytar Association”, and of course from Ecofund.

By planting fruit trees, the project will help protect the soil against erosion and give the families an additional source of income, as soon as the trees will produce fruits.

In the name of the Tizi n'Oucheg Development Association, we would like to thank you all for your donation. Your donation is a concrete action for the future of our planet.

Our financial contribution has come to its end. Its fundraising campaign on our web platform has therefore been terminated. However, like for all Ecofund supported projects, the project Champions are part of our Ecofund community. We keep regular contact with them and will soon revisit the project.
